Tuesday, March 24, 2009


JB posing next to his tower.

Kind of a cool picture.

Every time I buy plastic cups they are used for building. This time I bought them in bulk so they were able to make a really tall tower.


Michele said...

What a wonderful mother you are!

Lois said...

Pretty amazing that they could build it this tall!

Ben Brenner said...

This reminds me of when I was six or seven and started collecting the little plastic cups that churches use for communion. After a communion service, while my parents talked, I would go up and down the aisle and collect all the tiny cups. I would then wash them in the bathroom sink (still waiting on my parents) and take them home. I continued doing this for several years. I ended up with a collection of a few thousand little tiny cups that I used to construct all sorts of cool structures. I guess it was my early start as a recycler!

Michelle said...

Wow! What an awesome idea! Kaden thinks that's really cool, maybe we'll have to try it too!

Anonymous said...

How did you get it outside?????

Unknown said...

I'm impressed!