Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Ultimate Creek and Beaver Dam Day

 Looking for the beaver dams
 Found the first beaver dam
 It was scary getting into the dammed up creek water at first because I couldn't see the bottom and in a lot of places it was either mucky or slippery.  I decided to be brave and follow the kids who wanted to wade/swim  as far as they could go down the stream.  We ended up going over at least 12 beaver dams on the way.  It was a lot of fun and refreshing on a hot day.  The kids had a blast and now have a great memory with their cousins - Bethany, Samuel, and Naomi.
 Gloria and Naomi had a great time together the whole time they were visiting.

 The first beaver dam.

 Some of the parts were too deep for Benaiah to walk so he was my little monkey clinging to me.:)

 Gloria with train in the background

The kids called these hotdogs...or corn dogs.  Not very good for eating though...kinda fuzzy on the inside.

Friday, July 27, 2012

All 9 if us...

 This trip to the American Girl Doll Store in Denver was part of Naomi's birthday present and wish.  She got her own American Girl Doll.  Bethany and Gloria have fun with American Girl Dolls also - Gloria's doll is a historical character - Elizabeth, and Bethany's Doll and a look-alike.  I think Naomi's new doll's name is McKenna.  

 The moms and Gramma Lois had a great girl time too!  We went to the Cheesecake Factory to eat afterward.  There's three restaurants around the Doll store that are "doll friendly" and Cheesecake Factory was one of them with seats for the dolls that hang from the tables.

 Emily, me, and my mom.  

Cousin Naomi's 7th Birthday

 Naomi (my sister's youngest) wanted to ride a horse (pony) for her birthday.  Since Gramma Shell and Granddude have horses and they are so willing to share their horses and time for lessons, Naomi got her wish.

 Auntie Emily (my sister) did a "pop on" onto this horse.
 Cousin Bethany riding a horse.
 Bethany doing a "Deadman Dismount".  Just don't tell her that's the name of it:).
 Naomi had sundaes for her birthday party at Gramma Shell and Grandude's house.  Thanks, Naomi, for having a birthday and celebrating it with us!

Naomi and her icecream with birthday candle.

More Creek

 I was down in the creek with Evelyn after she missed the creek adventure of the day due to her nap.  She loves wearing her bathing suit and I love relaxing down by the creek, especially if I get to put the lawn chair down in the creek.  It causes Evie to come down and play and I get the coolness of the water.  I did get a bit more wet than expected because Evie was climbing on the lawn chair and fell in backwards.  I had to hug and snuggle her to comfort her so I got a bit wet.  Then I used my shirt to wrap her up in.

Emily, Samuel, and the I-like-to-be-around-people-but-not-IN-the-water-cat.

Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo

 California, Boston, and Colorado clan all going to the rodeo.  For our Bremer family, at least for some of us  (me) it's our 5th or 6th rodeo, but all of my rodeos have been in Altus, OK.  This was a bigger one, but there's something about a small town rodeo that was missing a bit in this one.  However, I think everyone had a great time and wasn't too traumatized by the calves being caught and thrown down and tied up.  My extended family was amazed by how patriotic and still Christian the rodeo is...at the end giving glory to God and thanking Him for our freedom and the beauty of this country.  It's the first time I've been to a rodeo with towering beautiful mountains in the background and my first one without Max.  Although he has been to many Colorado rodeos I hope to share this one with Max through pics.

 Somehow I didn't get Gloria in a cowboy hat.

Creek Time Colorado

 Benaiah holding on for dear life as the rushing waters rage below him... Can't you tell he's so scared?
 What an insensitive mom, not paying any attention to her boy's dilemma.  As you can see, the water in the creek down in the hollow below Gramma Shell and Grandude's place is pretty shallow and calm, but a great place to cool off on a hot summer day.  This year has actually been pretty hot here in Colorado...not compared to where hubby is though.
 The cat's not too sure about being held above the water, and our kids' cousin, Bethany (11 years), is not too sure about the cat at this moment...
JB's cousin, Samuel (only two months older than JB - 9years), caught a snake in the garden, which made his day.