Sunday, July 30, 2006

JB and the Baby, Bunny

This is a baby bunny that we found in the window well. The only way I knew it was there was that Zephyr was very interested in something over there and was scaring the bunny out of its furry little skin. I think we scared it even more when I called the kids over to come see the baby bunny and I reached in a pulled it out. I let the kids hold it for a while, then I was not sure what to do with it because I think its family lives under our deck, but I didn't want Zephyr to chase it down if I put it back under. We ended up keeping it in our basement bathtub for a couple of days giving it a little cardboard box to hide in and some grass and leaves. Then Max let it go in the side back yard when Zephyr wasn't looking. Now he can grow up big and strong munching on my's a love/hate relationship.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Have a Few Cicadas!

She's a brave girl, she is!

The one side-ponytail is due to Gloria taking out the other one. This is a morning where Max was watching the kids while I was a Women's Ministry event at a nearby church. I told him he could have at least taken out the other one before taking pictures...of course with the cicadas on her, probably no one is noticing her hair.

Walking the Dog

Here's Gloria "walking" Zephyr with a homemade leash - a bungee cord.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tamsey's Family in Tennessee (and DC)

The "Brookline Crew" - Jessica, Dad, Mom, and Luke
Mom and Dad
Mom and Tams on the bus to Nashville for a tour of the capital building and lunch and a southern cuisine restauraunt.
The gals - Emily, Jessica, Mom, and TamsI couldn't leave out my dear bro Jonathan, so here is a picture of him and me at the White House about a year and a half ago.

Indoor Evening Fun in Tennessee

We are playing "Apples to Apples" here, which is a fun opinion game. John Love kept kiddingly chastising people about their "wrong opinions". They apparently ran rampant in this game.

John and Emily Love playing "Apples to Apples"

"It's Their Fault"

These are the faces of the parents and grandparents of the "younguns" at the reunion, resulting in more than 50 family members altogether (including spouses). Ultimately it was my grandparents, Paul and Dorothy Showalter's, "fault" that this reunion happened. These are their six children, from left to right, Dale, Joel, Paul David, Larry, Diane, and Dena. Neither of my grandparents are alive today, but we still remember them as we all got together as a Showalter family July 1-July 5.

Front Porch Time

My sister Jessica is holding Gloria, in the rocker with JB is my sister Emily, guy in the background is John, Emily's hubby, and the girl in front of the rocker is Bethany, my 5-year-old niece.

Getting Refreshed

Max is spraying water from a "mister" into the kid's can tell they are hating it. It was hot almost the whole time in TN, although with the 106 degree! temps we are having in Wichita, that would feel like springtime right now.

Samuel Love is the boy in the middle and is JB and Gloria's cousin. He is 2 months older than JB and it was fun seeing them play together. I hope we can get the cousins together again soon! A time of building memories...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Outdoor Water Fun in Tennessee

We had a lot of fun on the lake at the retreat center, especially since it was really hot and lots of family got involved in the water fun. Here's a few pictures of our family in the outdoors of Tennessee.

JB had a lot of fun discovering that he could "swim" with the life jacket on. This experience in the lake gave him much confidence in the water for this summer's swim season. Gloria had fun too, but she's more of a water wimp...she can dance on the sand though...

Canoe racing with John and Jess (and a few passengers) was fun. I guess they should've had Luke at the paddles, him being on the crew (rowing) team in Boston, especially since they got skunked by Max and me (Max is the one who knows how to direct and power a conoe, I just move my paddle forward and back).

The zip line was a lot of fun. You can see family members lined up in the background. The youngest child to do it was a four-year-old, a very brave boy named Ethan, my cousin Tallie's son. My nieces, Bethany (daughter of Emily and John) as well as Tyler (daughter of Jessica) also did the zip line, which showed a lot of courage. My heart was pounding hard every time I went to the top of the platform to sail down and either gracefully fall into the water or violently slam into the water, usually depending on the height of the "fall", when I let go along the zip line. Many members of the family did it and many went out of their bounds of comfort, although usually found it was a blast (more like a really big splash).

Showalter Family Reunion

Max, the kids, and I drove about 800 miles or 13 hours in the truck to go to Thompson's Station, TN where we went to a Showalter Family Reunion at a retreat center, 35 miles from Nashville. It was for about four days in the beginning of July and we took two days on either side to travel. Everyone was there that could make it - my aunts and uncles, my parents, my brothers and sisters, my nieces and nephews, and all of my cousins and their children. In all, I think there were a little over 50 of us. It was a great idea to meet at a retreat center. My aunt and uncle, Dena and Jeff, moved to Tennessee from Illinois, and they were the ones that planned the reunion. Thanks Jeff and Dena!

While at the reunion we had family pictures taken. Here's one of the "Larry Showalter" family: