Monday, March 30, 2009

A mystery...

JB loves his blue blanket that he's had since he was a baby and now he's 6. He keeps telling me he loves his blanket because "it smells so good" and "it smells sweeter than honey" (he actually said that). Then he has me smell it and I want to upchuck (maybe it's the pregnancy). I'm glad he loves it and that the smell of it "makes him drowsy", but it is a mystery to me how it can smell so good to him and so funky to me. I wonder if he'd still smell the wonderful smell if I washed it...which happens about only once or twice a year. He never sucked his thumb or fingers, and he quit the pacifier when he was 6 months old, so I guess he can have his "sweet-smelling" blanket!

Now for a circular tower...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Benaiah in Bed

Every morning Benaiah would rather stay in his bed and play rather than me getting him up. Sometimes he even calls me, then just wants to stay and play when I get in there. He plays peek-a-boo with his stuffed animals or points to their body parts as I name them. Usually it is a task lifting him out of his crib because he's not standing up or reaching for me, it's like lifting out a dead (but cute) weight.

Sweetly, sometimes when Max and/or I want to sleep in in the morning, Gloria and JB will entertain him in his bed. Gloria started it when she would "read" him books while he stays in his crib and she sits in the glider and shows him pictures, telling him the story.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Relaxing/Playing at the Creek

This creek has what we call a "beach" because it is an area with sand and rocks, where we can sit next to the creek. The kids LOVE playing in the creek. It is within an easy walk from our house especially since Max cut 4-wheeler trails to it, so we can also 4-wheel there in just a few minutes. And we're only here for 3 more months! I guess I should be thankful for those 3 months we have...thank you, God!

Benaiah's favorite thing is to throw rocks in the water. The water is pretty clear except after it rains a lot.


JB posing next to his tower.

Kind of a cool picture.

Every time I buy plastic cups they are used for building. This time I bought them in bulk so they were able to make a really tall tower.

Monday, March 09, 2009

A very little bit 'o gardening

You can see my baby bump here. I'm wearing a skirt because it was after church and I didn't change because it felt good to wear a skirt on a beautiful day.
JB and Gloria helped to plant the tulips that are gone for this year, but will bless someone next year...whoever rents this property.

I miss gardening from our house in KS. It just wasn't worth setting up a garden here if we'll be leaving in June. I hope that in our next house we can have flowers and vegetables.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Enough Bubbles??

Save me!

I know, they're spoiled (and we are too with the big tub) - they get to use our big tub for baths. Benaiah usually goes in the smaller one in the kids' bathroom.

Having this many bubbles is a huge treat. They did something good one day, so this was their soapy reward.

What a mess!

If Benaiah could talk in full sentences that's what he would say when getting out of his crib and seeing the snow. I'm sure he doesn't remember snow and certainly doesn't recognize it in AL, plus he is such an organized baby, who doesn't seem to like mess or things out of place (I could use this to my advantage).

So, I got him up on Sunday morning when the ground and trees and deck were covered with snow and it was still coming down. I had predicted to Max before I got him up that he would say "oooooh" (his favorite word). Instead I got him up and he said "uh oh!" (his other favorite word) upon looking out the window. It was almost as though he was thinking "who's going to clean up that mess?!"

Monday, March 02, 2009

Short-lived, but pretty snow

It snows about once a year here in AL, so I've heard. This was very pretty to wake up to. The two days before waking up to this snow it was in the 70s and we got lots and lots of rain and tornado warnings. Now there is no snow and it is 30 degrees outside, brrrrr.