Monday, September 19, 2005

Small Town Coffee Shop and more...

This morning after going to the post office here in Altus, I noticed that "JB's Java" was diagonally across the street. I had been meaning to go there, for one thing because Max and I had stopped in there 2 1/2 years ago when I was pregnant with JB, and for another thing, it had JB's name on it. When Max and I went to this coffee shop last time we came through Altus, it was just starting up and it was going to have a small candy store and used book store attatched to it. It already had some used books in it at that time, which was the only way I could convince Max to come into a "fru fru" coffee shop with me.

I drove across the street and parked, took the kids out and put Gloria in the umbroller. As we were walking into the store I told JB that the sign said "JB's Java." He looked a little confused, but advanced inside eager to see what awaited him. The lady behind the coffee counter, Ms Jean, a sweet grandmother type, greeted us and I recognized her from the time Max and I came through. She didn't recognize me of course because we were only in once, but as soon as she said hello to JB, he declared, "This is my job!" He kept saying this over and over again so I explained to Ms Jean that his name was JB and I had told him that the sign said "JB's Java" and apparently he took that to mean that this was his job (Java, job...they sound similar to a two year old's ears and to him, what the heck is "java"?...much more catching than "JB's Coffee".)

Ms. Jean thought that he and his assumption were very cute and took his picture in front of the sign. She also had me write out the little story on a card so that she could put it in her store scrap book (she's also a Creative Memories consultant). This was all after JB had had his "Cookie Monster", an ice cream shake with oreo in it, and I had my frozen frappuccino coffee drink. She also gave a little bit of the Cookie Monster drink to Gloria, with a straw to her delight. Now, according to Ms. Jean, JB can go back to his "job" (and get a sugar rush) anytime he wants and doesn't even have to work behind the counter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading today's entry made me miss my old coffee buddy! I hope we can get together for a coffee date once you are in KS!
Miss you,
Merilee :)