Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Do I have to be potty trained to be a cowboy?

JB at the Altus Rodeo sporting chaps, cowboy boots, and his new hat. He left his stick horse at home. Now he can be a lot like his dad, both a cowboy and a hunter with his own earphones and rifle. Dad is showing him some gun safety and etiquette through his toy gun before he uses a real one, but he has to be potty trained first. JB often asks if he can see Daddy's plane, which may also be a while in the future. He loves seeing the big planes flying in the skies around here, KC-135s, C-17s, and C-5s.


Anonymous said...

(Slow day at work...)

How are you dealing with JB's understanding of toy guns vs. real guns?


Tamsey said...

He knows the difference between the toy guns and real guns. He knows he's not supposed to touch the real ones, but he's allowed to play with his toy one, pointing only at "birds" in the sky.

Anonymous said...

Are you limiting how he uses his toy gun? No pointing at people?


Anonymous said...

I think that's a good idea about the pointing of guns especially when a youngster has so many real ones around. But how does one play cops and robbers or cowboys and indians?


max said...

I haven't figured that out yet, but the fact that he know that real guns and toy guns are different is the first step. I suspect that we'll have the toy guns that look like guns be just for hunting, and sticks or other objects that can simulate a gun only in the imagination of a little boy be for cowboys and indians.