Tuesday, August 07, 2012

a 5-year old's prayer

I had already prayed with all the kids and quickly and stealthily made my way to the stairs before another request could be made.  Max is 9 hours ahead where he is stationed right now and if I get the kids to bed before about 9:30pm, we can usually have a good talk before he goes to work in his morning (my night).  However, as I stuck my toe over the top step to make my way downstairs I heard from the boys' room, "Mom, you didn't pray with me!".  Actually, I had prayed with him, but he was in his own little world and didn't pay attention to my prayer.  God heard it and that's the important thing.  Maybe it's God's way of increasing my prayer life when I have to go pray with my 5-year-old twice.  Hoping it wouldn't take too long so I could still catch my hubby on Skype, I went back to his bed and prayed that he would have a good sleep and would grow into a mighty warrior for God.  I said amen, but Benaiah said he wanted to pray.  This is a very good thing, but I know how long his prayers can be, so I thought I would let him know my predicament.  I asked him to please keep his prayer short so that I would be able to talk to Daddy before he went to work.  Benaiah said okay and proceeded to pray:

"Dear God, I pray that Mommy can make it downstairs in time to talk to Daddy.  I pray that Daddy doesn't go to work before Mommy can talk to him.  God, please help Mommy to run downstairs so that she doesn't miss Daddy.  Dear God, help Mommy to go quickly so that she can talk to Daddy before he goes to work.  I pray that Mommy and Daddy would be able to talk to each other tonight.  I pray that Daddy is really slow in getting ready to go to work so that Mommy can catch him on the computer....".

This went on for a while and it made me smile because no matter how long he prayed, God could make it happen that I would still be able to talk to Max...and then I had a story for Max when I did talk to him that night.  Thank you, Benaiah, for your many prayers that I wouldn't miss Daddy.  What a sweet and cute 5-year-old.

1 comment:

max said...

Still laughing about this...