Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Ultimate Creek and Beaver Dam Day

 Looking for the beaver dams
 Found the first beaver dam
 It was scary getting into the dammed up creek water at first because I couldn't see the bottom and in a lot of places it was either mucky or slippery.  I decided to be brave and follow the kids who wanted to wade/swim  as far as they could go down the stream.  We ended up going over at least 12 beaver dams on the way.  It was a lot of fun and refreshing on a hot day.  The kids had a blast and now have a great memory with their cousins - Bethany, Samuel, and Naomi.
 Gloria and Naomi had a great time together the whole time they were visiting.

 The first beaver dam.

 Some of the parts were too deep for Benaiah to walk so he was my little monkey clinging to me.:)

 Gloria with train in the background

The kids called these hotdogs...or corn dogs.  Not very good for eating though...kinda fuzzy on the inside.

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