Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Day

Benaiah received a lot of things with wheels this year. JB and Gloria both got lots of cool things in their stockings as well as presents. Grandude read them some Christmas story books that helps to direct their attention toward Jesus rather than just themselves. We have had a wonderful time visiting and being with family!

Gloria got a new princess dress, which Gramma Shell so lovingly sewed as a Christmas present. We'll see if this one lasts longer than the other one she received last Christmas. It is meant to be a little bit big for her so that it fits her in case she grows, given she doesn't wear it out like she did the last one. I think Gramma Shell is just happy she gets so much use out of them.


Lois said...

Wow! What a dress! Gloria looks so pleased.

Unknown said...

That is impressive! Beautiful dress and beautiful girl!