Friday, December 05, 2008

Sweet four-wheeling

Did the princess hurt her fingers? Daddy always takes care of boo boos.

So, Benaiah, this is how you use the break on the four-wheeler....Benaiah, are you listening?

I know what you're thinking...they're obsessed with four-wheeling. It's just a lot of fun. Benaiah begs to go for a ride. When I'm just going up the driveway to get the mail or deliver the garbage trailer, sometimes I let him hold on to the handlebars and ride in front of me. Gloria rides on the back of a four-wheeler pretty much only when her little red one runs out of "juice" (battery) or when we are going for a longer family-four-wheeling ride where hers and JBs wouldn't make it. I don't know where else we could live that has such a perfect four-wheeling set up. It sure helped that Max cut trails and is currently scheming up some new trails, ones easier for the kids. It also gives him the excuse to get outside and work and also to use the chainsaw.


Sarah/Robert said...

yes, chainsaw, rum-RUMM!

Katie said...

Hey Tamsey--

Just wanted to say "hello!" and let you know I did some brief catching up with you just now via your blog--really enjoyed it. I love seeing all that four-wheelin'! Also I loved your sentiment expressed on the night of the election. ...My goodness--that was my sentiment exactly. *sigh*

Anyway, just wanted to say hello!

Katie Hewlett (