Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Gloria and Benaiah playing in the sandbox - in the park that I grew up playing in.

My mom has had this wagon that fits six little kids for years! It has held up really well. Benaiah enjoyed sitting in it with the other kids...with his blanket, of course.

My mom has had a daycare for the past 23 years or so. She has 4-6 one and two-year-olds Tuesday through Friday each week. Somehow she manages to have a home daycare with lots of fun toys and books and keeps the house looking well-decorated and homey at the same time! Although my kids were not used to the routine and rules of daycare, they were excited to have other kids around (even though younger) and new toys to play with. They especially liked going to the park, which my mom goes to with the daycare kids at least once a day, weather permitting. While we were there, there was only one really cold day and the rest of the week was beautiful fall weather with colorful trees.

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