Monday, October 30, 2006

Does it show?

I just realized that I haven't officially announced (to those reading my blog, near and far away friends and family and maybe even people I don't know) that Max and I are expecting our third in April. I think I am showing now in pictures (at 16 weeks), so I thought I should clarify that. I waited a while in announcing the news even to people around me because of an early miscarriage back in June. We are very thankful for this new life. You will be hearing (if we are able to find out) what the sex of the baby is probably next month sometime.

So here it is: I'm pregers. This is both a scary and exciting prospect, but a very welcome one. The idea of three little ones can be an overwhelming thought, but I know that if I rely on God, He will give me the strength. Other moms have done it, right?... and are still alive today to talk about it and tell there funny stories (maybe not-so-funny at the time).


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we were wondering. Stepanie: "Is Tamsey pregnant? She's wearing pregnant clothes."

Anonymous said...

Yes it shows....congratulations!!
