Sunday, July 30, 2006

JB and the Baby, Bunny

This is a baby bunny that we found in the window well. The only way I knew it was there was that Zephyr was very interested in something over there and was scaring the bunny out of its furry little skin. I think we scared it even more when I called the kids over to come see the baby bunny and I reached in a pulled it out. I let the kids hold it for a while, then I was not sure what to do with it because I think its family lives under our deck, but I didn't want Zephyr to chase it down if I put it back under. We ended up keeping it in our basement bathtub for a couple of days giving it a little cardboard box to hide in and some grass and leaves. Then Max let it go in the side back yard when Zephyr wasn't looking. Now he can grow up big and strong munching on my's a love/hate relationship.

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