Friday, July 01, 2011

During Ceremony and After Ceremony

Most of what Max did during the ceremony when he had the camera on was video, not pics, so that's why I don't have many pics of the ceremony.  I'm sure their photographer got some good pics of the ceremony though.  I love this picture of my Dad (who "officiated" the wedding, the pastor), Luke (the groom) and Jonathan (best man). 

Beautiful Gloria and Irina, Jonathan's wife, my sister-in-law (now I have two!), bridesmaid

Gloria and JB got to ride in the limos to the reception, which was 20 minutes away at the Nyack Seaport.

Gloria was the flower girl, as you can see.  When she came down the aisle spreading the petals on the ground, it was as though she was born to be a flower girl.  Let's just say it seemed to come natural to her.

Benaiah's cute, snarky look.

Benaiah wasn't in the wedding, but we dressed JB and him the same because it was just too cute.

Bride and her dad.  Gloria standing with bridesmaids.  I think Gloria had the time of her life.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Great pics Tams! Thanks for posting those!