Friday, April 30, 2010

Hopefully the closest we'll ever get to a rattlesnake...

We learned on the rattlesnake "safari" that rattlesnakes will not strike at you unless you move, especially move suddenly.  The only thing you can do if you get bit by a rattlesnake, if you don't have an extractor or stun gun on hand, is to get to medical help as soon as possible and put a tourniquet (thank goodness for spell check) around your arm, between your heart and the bite to slow down the venom getting to your heart.


Makes me wonder how many hats he has with snake bites and venom in them.  He said he could still wear it on his bald head, as long as it doesn't get into his bloodstream.  The tour guide had been hunting and dealing with rattlesnakes for about 40 years.

Can you see the rattlesnake in this picture?

We got a good nature lesson as well as a good history lesson of why there are so many rattlesnakes in this part of Oklahoma and why they do the Rattlesnake Round up every year in Mangum, which is about 20 minutes from where we are.  It has to do with the drought and dust bowl that happened around the time of the Great Depression, which caused farming families to leave their homestead's behind, including their storm shelters, basements, etc, which made a perfect settlement for mice and rats.  Where there is rattlesnake food, that is where rattlesnakes will go.
Now that there are people and farmers that live and explore this part of Oklahoma, the Roundup is to prevent unexpected meetings of snake and man, which can be deadly (sound familiar?).  It's also a fun time after rattlesnake hunting season (1 month in the spring) to have contests of who captured the longest rattlesnake and to learn more about rattlesnakes. 

During the Roundup weekend they also have carnival rides, food vendors, opportunity to get your picture taken with a rattlesnake, a rattlesnake pit, where there are men standing in the middle and answering questions (wearing rattlesnake-proof boots, hopefully also avoiding a "high striker"), as well as a flea market, where vendors sell lots of things, including items made out of rattlesnake.  Max was tempted to get a rattlesnake belt, but we didn't have enough cash.

1 comment:

Lois said...

More pictures your Dad would love to see!