Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Can cows be considered "critters"?

Gloria loves catching butterflies and have them stick to her as her "pet".

JB holding a horn toad (that's actually a lizard). We kept it for a few days before the kids took it outside and it ran away. Those are Benaiah's fingers about to tug on the tail.

Benaiah touching the horn toad. They are actually sweet little critters.

We bought live lobsters from the Altus aquarium (aka Walmart) in celebration of our new home and as a thanks to Michele for helping us out so much. She did a full week of painting trim, doors, and bathroom cabinets white and doing two construction projects as well as help with the kids! I wish I had the energy! The kids enjoyed playing with the lobsters before we steamed them in the pot...oh, the cruelty!


Jonah said...

Lobster, yum!

Michelle said...

Love all the critters...especially the ones you play with before eating! :)