Monday, May 18, 2009

Benaiah's Language Explosion

While JB's progressing in learning to read, Gloria's progressing in learning her letter sounds, Benaiah is learning to talk. He says "ta too" (thank you) on a regular basis even after I change his diaper! Yesterday we had calzones, but he calls anything with tomato sauce "pizza". He wanted to eat dinner outside in the rain apparently because he said "eat pizza outside" very clearly to my ears.

Then last night as Max was putting Benaiah to bed Daddy said his regular "Dooooooooon't let the bed bugs bite!" Max has been saying this for at least a year whenever he puts JB and Gloria to bed although he often changes it to something silly like "Dooooooooon't let the wolfies bite!" (because of JB's pajamas being his wolf suit) or "Dooooooooooon't let the Zephyrs bite!" The kids think this is pretty funny and try to correct him by saying "bed bugs!". As soon as they say this Max sticks his head back in their room and exclaims "bed bugs! Where? You have bed bugs?"...of course this causes even more laughter. Anyway, Benaiah last night as Max was closing his bedroom door sweetly said "Doooooooon bed ugs bite!" He just gets cuter and cuter even when we think he couldn't get any more cute.


Michelle said...

So special how each one is precious and unique in their own way!

Lois said...

I am glad you are keeping a record of cute things Benaiah is saying, and other stories - it will be so great to look back on - the more good memories, the better. This is a cute one.

Michele said...

Unbearably cute!! I miss these guys! Can't wait to see you all again!