Friday, May 29, 2009

A look back through years of finger a distant memory!

Before Gloria had all the hand-to-face control as a baby...
"Yo Yo Yo! I'd like to say 'what up G?' to all my homies out there."
The startle reflex in new babies is always fun...

Finding the fingers

With her aunt Lynn (Granddude's sister)

With her great grandmother Nina (Granddude's mother) in Maryland, who passed away this past month, God rest her soul

With Gramma Shell, who made the princess towel that she still wears today.

On our couch in Virginia.

Even while eating!

On my brother, Jonathan's, visit while he was stationed for a little bit at Quantico while we lived in Virginia.

In the White House courtyard! Too bad she won't remember it...

With Gramma Shell, aunt Adrienne (Gramma Shell's sister), mommy, and brother JB

In our apartment in Altus, OK. A temporary seating arrangement.

Looking guilty after coloring her face...

Reading with the grandparents...

Disheveled hair with blankie of course...the finger-sucking and blanket began to go together. So it was Gramma Shell's making of the soft-knit blankie that actually perpetuated it! :0)

After a good, but tiring day riding ponies in Colorado...All she needed was her blankie and her fingers...

And last, but not bedtime in Derby, KS!

...And here's the big non-finger-sucking 4-year-old...princess!

Gloria decided on her own accord that she was going to be a "big girl" and give up sucking her pointer and middle fingers. She was very proud of herself and told me I had to tell Gramma Shell because she was Gloria's biggest advocate of giving up the habit.

So this is a memorial of pictures to Gloria's dual-finger sucking. In addition, it was a fun time of looking back through pictures of Gloria and the rest of our family!

We don't have any pictures of her sucking her fingers in AL, even though she only quit in the past few weeks, but I think it's because we figured she was old enough NOT to be sucking her fingers while a pictures were taken.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kid Pile

A Satisfied Look

Tough Guy Series

Benaiah's first tattoo. He kept calling it a sticker.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

4-wheeling with 2 babies

Hunting for blackberries again

Yesterday was a beautiful day here - not too hot, not too cold, and not the lower 70s. We thought it would be a good day to go out looking for blackberries again. We didn't find as many ripe ones as we were hoping, but we found enough to tide us over until we got home for dinner. We left at about 4:30pm and got home at was a wonderful afternoon. We found new places to pick blackberries although we usually only found them in bunches of 5 or 6 ripe ones at a time, at most. It looks like there is another variety of blackberries that are not ready yet. They are much smaller and some are still white. Maybe in a week or two we will be going back for those. The bushes with those were full of berries, so I hope they are good and will ripen soon!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Benaiah's Language Explosion

While JB's progressing in learning to read, Gloria's progressing in learning her letter sounds, Benaiah is learning to talk. He says "ta too" (thank you) on a regular basis even after I change his diaper! Yesterday we had calzones, but he calls anything with tomato sauce "pizza". He wanted to eat dinner outside in the rain apparently because he said "eat pizza outside" very clearly to my ears.

Then last night as Max was putting Benaiah to bed Daddy said his regular "Dooooooooon't let the bed bugs bite!" Max has been saying this for at least a year whenever he puts JB and Gloria to bed although he often changes it to something silly like "Dooooooooon't let the wolfies bite!" (because of JB's pajamas being his wolf suit) or "Dooooooooooon't let the Zephyrs bite!" The kids think this is pretty funny and try to correct him by saying "bed bugs!". As soon as they say this Max sticks his head back in their room and exclaims "bed bugs! Where? You have bed bugs?"...of course this causes even more laughter. Anyway, Benaiah last night as Max was closing his bedroom door sweetly said "Doooooooon bed ugs bite!" He just gets cuter and cuter even when we think he couldn't get any more cute.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rare Prof Photos of the Bremer Family

A good one of the kids. Benaiah was only happy because he was sitting on my lap. I am sitting sideways leaning against Max who was standing behind me..all in the name of a good picture of Benny.

Benaiah was not into taking pictures this day which is one reason we don't usually do professional photos, the other reason is that Max has a very good camera and often gets really good pictures. However, it's not always that we get a family pictures because we are just not that organized.

I love this picture of Gloria.

JB hair is a little out-of-place, but then again, that's JB.

I am pregnant in this picture, but I don't think the photographer knew I was pregnant so he tried to hide my bulging belly behind Max. These pics were taken at the beginning of April when I was about 20 weeks.

A good pic of the whole fam...although this is going to have to be updated in only a few months!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Making Light-up Bugs

Gloria touching the antennae of the "bug" together to make its nose light up.

A key is a good conductor.

JB touching the antennae of his "bug" together.
-Cute little electrical bugs.

Today we decided to do an experiment with electricity - partly because they didn't get to go to the Pinnochio play in Montgomery...a paranoid mom story (there's at least one confirmed case of swine flu in Montgomery public schools and others being tested and I didn't want to bring all three kids plus pregnant mom to a theatre full of kids from both homeschooling families and Montgomery public schools...not worth the risk even though Pinnochio would have been a fun play to watch).

Max helped us by soldering the light bulbs to the D size batteries and the electrical wire as well. I tried with poster tack to secure, but it just wasn't working. We have a book of fun science experiments to do and they had these batteries, bulbs, and electrical wires turned into bugs with light-up noses, so we did the same thing.

The kids are having fun testing out which things cause the light bulbs to light up by touching the two antennae of the bugs to various metal things...paper clips, safety pins, and keys are great conductors.