Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Benaiah's second haircut

This was before we left for South Carolina, but I just had to post Benaiah's second hair cut of his life! I was dreading it because he normally doesn't even want me to comb his hair. However, I think after seeing me cut his Daddy's and brother's hair, he felt like a big boy sitting on the tall "hair-cutting" stool. I only used the scissors so that he wouldn't get too scared off by the electric razor, so it looks a bit choppy if you look closely, but not too bad...he's still our cute Benny. Chocolate towards the end of the hair cut also helped:0).

He has a tail because that is a lion footy outfit that Gramma Shell made for him. It has a hat with it, but he refuses to wear the hat...maybe next year.

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