Thursday, May 29, 2008

What is it with the broom?

Benaiah is obsessed with our corn straw broom with the long wooden handle. Although he wants it, it is also his biggest frustration. If he happens to get a hold of it, he cries the whole time he has it. He pushes it back and forth like he's trying to sweep, but he's miserable at the same time. If I take it away, he also cries desperately for it. It's strange - a love/hate (one way) relationship. It is now hidden - out of sight, out of mind, right?

Let me know if you have any explanations for this.


Jonah said...

Is that why they invented broom closets?

That is so weird.

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing, and no, I can't explain it!

Grandma Shell