Thursday, January 18, 2007

Frustrated Squirrel

Every time we loaded the former feeder with birdseed, most of it would be gone in a few days, leaving little for the birds. We've had Max shoot at them with an "Airsoft" gun and if we saw them, we opened the door for Zephyr to chase them (I have no idea what she would do if she actually caught one). Now it's more entertaining to watch them with this new feeder than anything else. Our other feeder, which was very easy for them to get in and out of, we moved to a different location and they still have found a way to get to it...they jump horizontally off of a vertical post about 4 feet away and swing for a while while munching. Now that Max has shown me how to post videos to the blog, you may be seeing more action of the kids...we'll see.


Anonymous said...

Just like watching Cirque Du Soleil.

Jonathan said...

Just admit it Nathan. This is way better than Cirque Du Soleil!