Sunday, January 14, 2007

End of Hunting Season

Last weekend the kids and I went with Max to one of his deer and turkey hunting places to take down his turkey blinds and tree stand. No turkeys this year, but we do have three deer in the freezer and have given some away. The meat is a blessing since I don't have to buy any beef for a long time at the grocery store and it's more lean and hormone-free (or whatever might be in store-bought meat). The turkeys were a little more difficult for Max than deer because of their pin-size heads, which made them a hard target with a bow and arrow, but which frustrated Max because they always seemed to "outsmart" him with those pin-size heads. Next year...


Anonymous said...

Use bigger arrow.

Jonathan said...

Has he tried using a boomerang or a Frisbee (Aerobe preferably)?