Wednesday, December 27, 2006

First Presents!

Here's JB on his first ride outside on his new two-wheeler (actually 4 with training wheels). This was his big birthday gift from Max and I along with the helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. He wasn't too excited about it the night that he opened it, but once he realized he could ride it outside the next day, he was so happy.

You can see that Gloria is excited about just about anything she got to unwrap. These were both taken the day after JB's b-day and the day before Christmas. Gloria got to open an early Christmas present. "A DBD!" she says as she opens it. Gloria loves watching cartoons. Oftentimes I have to tell her "no cartoons right now" and she says "please?please?please?" Sometimes she ends up in her bed for asking so much when I've already said no. Overall, Gloria is a very cheerful girl and was only excited for JB when he was opening his Birthday gifts and she wasn't getting anything (except the joy of watching wrapping paper ripped open). I think she mostly enjoyed singing happy birthday and eating the mocha b-day cake.

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