Monday, June 12, 2006

Articulate Gloria

Last night it rained and rained and thundered, but thankfully neither of the kids awoke because of it. This morning it is stil rainy and there is an occasional thunder. I got Gloria up this morning and stood her on the changing table to get her dress on. There was a low thunder rumble and Gloria's gleeful face turned to a startled frown. She then very clearly said "thunder scares me, Mommy." Is that normal for a kid that's not even two yet? I was very surprised that she could tell me what she was feeling in a full sentence. She repeats everything everyone is saying these days, even sentences, but I didn't know she could make a full one expressing emotion on her own. Then she repeated me saying "Jesus is here" and "mommy is here." Her gleeful morning glory look came back onto her face.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Precious Tamsey! You are wonderful mother, obviously due to the wonderful role model you had in your mom. I am so grateful for both of you as well as for the next generation of Godly women you are raising. Praise God for all of you!