Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Dangerous" times at the playground.

There are a lot of "merry-go-rounds" at playgrounds around here. Before moving here I thought they were outlawed because I just didn't see them anymore after playing on them as a kid. Anyway, despite their being potentially dangerous and flinging kids off (hasn't happened to ours yet), the kids love to hold on and spin around on these. I'm amazed at how good Gloria is at holding on and they never complain of being dizzy.

Gloria also loves to hang her head back as she swings. She will do this the whole time I'm pushing her and just glance right-side-up every once in a while. It's kind of a brain rush, or something, maybe...who knows what goes on in the heads of little ones...

There's also a really tall slide at this playground on which I really have to watch the kids that they don't fall off. I go up the ladder and down the slide with them to make sure they don't fall over the edge. I guess this isn't meant to be a "tot lot", but as long as I am watching closely and right there with them it can be fun:)

JB took a picture of me looking through the smaller slide, but you can see the big slide in the background. It's a lot of fun to go down...maybe I'm having too much fun at the jungle gym.

1 comment:

Dale & Kim Showalter said...

Great stuff Tamsey! Just put up a pic of Abigail and Jo on mine. They grow up so fast. Keep them coming.