Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Benaiah continues to take his cute pills...

As I was carrying Evelyn from the bathtub to the laundry room, where we keep her pajamas,  I noticed Benaiah quietly writing in a notebook.  He looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said, "I'm writing a story for you, Mom."  I said okay and kept walking toward the laundry room to get Evelyn diapered and clothed.  Benaiah joined us and announced that he was done with his story.  Since I knew he only wrote a jumble of letters, I made up a clever excuse and said, "I can't read it now since I am changing EV...could you read it to me?" 
Benaiah looked at with a puzzled expression and said "I can't read."
"But you wrote the story, so do you remember what you wrote?"
"Oh...yeah!  I do!"

He proceeded to read his story about dragons and castles getting hit by a tornado and the prince dying.  It was quite the story for a bunch of strung-together jumbled up letters on a page.  I was quite impressed by his reading skills.

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