Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mountain Memories

Evelyn started teething again in Colorado and went back and forth on this hike between being miserable because of her teeth to being quiet and looking around.  If I had been a smart and thoughtful mom I would have brought some baby Orajel or something.  Eventually she just konked out and Max and I took advantage of it by just walking and hiking as much as we could while she slept.  Max was afraid she would attract mountain lions when she was crying, so it almost cut our hike short, but thank God she fell asleep.
This little lake (pond maybe?) had a beautiful water fall at one end of it and the sound of it is what drew us to it.
A tree busting through a rock.
Evelyn is holding a piece of Aspen branch that Max gave to her to try to soothe her aching gum.  It worked for a little bit.  He's also using the Aspen to display our love on a tree...Aspens are good for lots of things...
A break so that Evelyn could have a picnic next to a boulder.
This was one of those happy times (as opposed to wailing from teething).
 My rugged mountain man...with child.


Lois said...

I see the strawberry blondeness of Evie. That was similar to Emily's color as a baby. Benny is at the ranch during this outing? You got some great pictures on this hike! Surprising that a tree could bust through the rock like that!

Michelle said...

Next time your in the mountains I hope we get to see you all! Love your beautiful pictures!