Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fun In Snow and Mountains of Colorado

Max's elk hunting trip.

My favorite nature picture taken by Max on his trip.

Max is back "home". Family photo.

Mainly Samantha Reimer built this snow person and I put sheep wool on its head for some hair. The dogs later gave this snow person a hair chop...into many little pieces.

Happy kids and dad with a beautiful background.

Max giving the kids a ride on the 4-wheeler, which he took hunting the previous week.

Yay! Cross country skiing. Had not done that for 6 years and it felt really good!

We are already back from Colorado and had a fun time visiting Gramma Shell, Grandude, and some wonderful Air Force friends, the Reimers. Our kids are around the same age so they had a blast playing together for the week or so that we were there.

Max went hunting with Bob (Reimer dad) for elk about 1-2 hours from the grandparents' place. They saw some beautiful land, saw some elk on private land (bummer), and got to experience the snow also. They did not come back with an elk, but they came back in one piece, so wives and kids were happy about that:0).

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