Tuesday, August 25, 2009

At the Rodeo

Gloria and I got new cowgirl hats! Gloria went to the rodeo as a cowgirl princess.

JB went as JB

Bull, what bull?

Oh, that bull!

More pics at the cattle drive on base

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cattle Drive Through the Base

JB found a horse with his name on it.

Max, Benaiah, and the base commander, Col Thomas, as well as Gloria peeking through.

Gloria was sooooooo happy to have her picture taken with the Rodeo Queen.
And even more ecstatic to sit on her horse!

We were surrounded by longhorns where we had parked ourselves to watch the cattle drive on base because they stopped at our corner for grazing and so that the cowboys and commanders could mingle with the crowd and get in an interview for the paper. This was right outside Max's office and we had no idea they were going to stop there. The long horns were amazing and surprisingly docile.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The boot

Oh it's a boot, but where's the other one? Aunt Kristin and Gramma Shell each bought Gloria a pink John Deere boot...wrapped separately. She was a bit perplexed that she only found one boot in the box, but when Daddy was filming her she said "thank you Aunt Kristin for the boot...please send me the other one." She was very sweet about it and accepting of it.
Her next to last present, a boot-shaped package. She was relieved to have both of them. I guess she's big enough to handle practical jokes, being a big 5-year-old. Overall, I think she had fun at her princess, swimming birthday party. Mommy was relieved when it was over, but thought it was fun too and glad we did it. Tomorrow is her actual birthday and she has a couple of presents left to unwrap and a promised helium balloon coming to her.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Opening presents

Reading her card and receiving her money - $10!

Studying a very artistic card from her friend.

Can you tell it was a pool party?

Did you notice the balloon under my shirt?

Gloria at her Birthday Party

We celebrated Gloria's birthday on Saturday (although her b-day is not until Tuesday, which is my due date for the next baby) and had three families over for swimming, lunch, cake, and opening of presents. This is the cake portion of her birthday celebration. Her face isn't so clean for the pictures, but it's her birthday, she can be messy if she wants to, right?

Thursday, August 06, 2009

We all go a little crazy in front of the camera sometimes...

JB mowing

A good way to get out some of his energy and get the lawn mowed even if the lawn does end up with mohawks...that's how it looked when I first mowed the lawn at age 20!