Thursday, June 19, 2008

Max's Finis-Flight

Okay, so I posted these backwards, so if you want to see them in order start at the bottom.

JB and Gloria got to sit in the hot hot cock-pit after his last flight at McConnell.

Max feeling the spray from the fire extinguishers.

Family-finis picture

I don't think that Max knew we were going to be there hosing him down with fire-extinguishers, but you might ask him. We were trying to make it a surprise. JB and Gloria got to press the handles to drench him.

Ice water poured from above by his boom operator on the flight. I'm sure this felt good because it was a very hot day and a hot flight circling the pattern. I sort of felt bad afterward that we didn't spray the rest of the crew because they were looking a bit warm and envious. Fortunately, the ice water gave him a shock.

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