Sunday, January 20, 2008

Selling Things

I currently am working on another blog (refer to "Things I Make and Sell" on the links at the side) that Max initially set up for me and is helping me with to sell the things I make. So far I only have sold nursing wraps (otherwise known as "Hooter Hiders") and tag blankets on ebay. I can also make grocery bag holders if anyone needs those:). I've found that grocery bag holders (fabric ones that hang on door knobs and have elastic at either end) are difficult to find in stores and if they are available, are kinda ugly.

I will use this new blog to eventually sell nursing wraps and tag blankets, but will probably still sell on ebay as well since that has a much much wider audience (the world) compared to my little "Tamsey's World". It will also be very useful if someone I know wants me to make them a hooter hider or tag blanket, they can just go to the link off of my blog (or go straight to and pick any of the fabrics I have available and shown on my "Tamsey's Treasures" blog. It also gives me a record of what I have made in the past, some gifts, some sold, and some not sold.

I don't have all of my fabric swatches (the close up pictures of my fabric) up on the blog yet, but I'm working on it. Some of my fabric up there is not my taste, but I have found is trendy and will sell on ebay.

This process has been very fun (especially making them!) and educational (selling on ebay, dealing with buyers, and making this new blog/sell site). I hope you enjoy it too!

1 comment:

Lois said...

I am really impressed! Will keep in mind for future baby gifts.