Sunday, September 09, 2007

Fun Times at the Creek

The above picture is JB and Gloria floating down the creek in the backyard of the Bremer house in CO. Ian, who is three years old, also floated on an inner tube and Stephanie and I (and sometimes Gramma Shell) either walked down the river with them or walked along the side of the creek on the grass. We probably went about a 1/2 mile to a mile down the creek with them. The walk back to the house wasn't always fun with the kids complaining, but it was worth the thrill of the float down the creek and look of glee on their faces. We think it's better than a water park. Plus, where else can you get cows staring at you in puzzlement as you float down the creek: "What kind of fish is that?"
Benaiah got sunshine on his bottom when we were down at the creek because of a bad diaper rash. He didn't seem to mind the cold creek water.

1 comment:

Lois said...

Life cannot get any better than this!