Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our 'lil (or big) punkin

Does she look excited to be a pumpkin or what?

Gloria wore this at the same and time and about the same age (their birthdays are 5 years and 13 days apart). They both looked like a chunky pumpkin, especially with the hat.

I guess it was just the pumpkin hat she didn't like...

Mommy and Evie B

I like this photo, but my eyes look funny...

And now JB looks "funny"...

I kinda like the lighting in this picture...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sister Love

Gloria knows how to it Gloria, work it...
Evelyn doesn't have enough muscle tone to pose, but she's still cute.

And finally, one of my favorites...

Work Day!

Yesterday Max brought home two peach trees and we planted them out front. Every one helped in their own little way...Max in a big way.

We took a lot more pictures next to the tree because we want to look at them in three years (hopefully we'll be here for that long, Lord willing) and see how the kids height and the tree height compares.


loves to push his dump truck around the property, transport things in it and fill it with dirt.

Benaiah getting into the homeschooling scene

Benaiah's dream come true on the big "tracur"

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanks Crate and Barrell...

The kids love to watercolor paint the white Crate and Barrell boxes and really made a masterpiece. Gloria and JB started it and then Benaiah got into it and painted on it for hours.

I love the look of concentration on his face.

Singin' with a Cowboy

Out of many adults and children, Gloria was the only one to step out and sing. The cowboy at this campfire/hayride/dinner experience asked if anyone knew any songs they wanted him to sing and after some silence Gloria got up right in front of him and said "The Butterfly Song". He said he didn't know that one so Gloria sang it for him while he strummed the guitar. She stood there singing with him (trying to follow along with his song) being bold and brave and sweet all at the same time.

I don't know where she got her boldness because it definitely didn't come from me! It must've come from Max's side of the family. Perhaps we should get her into some sort of performing arts. Max said she seems energized by performing and being in front of people rather than timid. Gloria and timid do not go together. We would like to develop this gift in some way and use it for God's glory...any ideas?

But we also pray that she have a quiet and gentle spirit, which doesn't necessarily mean not talking, but more of a graceful trusting in God, which makes her spirit quiet and gentle. We are also working on being "a lady" with her, teaching her lady-like manners because sometimes she can be over-dramatic and rambunctious.

Hay Ride, Dinner, and Camp Fire Songs with TRS

Evie B

Little foot

Sittin' with her Daddy

After a bath. Sumo Evie.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

When Gloria takes care of her little brother...

...he ends up in Mary Janes and a helmet

Little Round Head

Profile shot of Evelyn while sleeping

Wagon Train

This is what the kids do for recess.

Sorry about the wind noise...we're on the plains on a windy OK day.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Mad Hatters

"Howdy! Come on in cowboys"

Having a serious conversation...

Can anyone say "Alice in Wonderland"?

"I'm gonna go shoot me a gopher!" Max has been having trouble with gophers making holes and dirt piles all over our front lawn. He took his gun out this morning and tried to pop one so Benaiah figured he'd do the same.

"What? So my gun is upside down and all I have on is a diaper and a sombrero, whatcha gonna do 'bout it?"

Evelyn - 1 month

In her swing with a footie onsie (size 6mos) that's a little too long in the legs, but fits every where else. Does that mean she has long arms and a long torso? Or maybe short legs?

Bath time - she seems to just tolerate them right now, but does not enjoy them yet.

Chubby cheeks

Looking at Mama

Startled by the flash