Saturday, September 27, 2008


Notice Benaiah in the back trying to get even closer to the action!

Even Spiderman has to learn his "M"s.

Princesses too!

This is the dining room/homeschooling room/sewing room

Orphan Kitty

Little Prisoner

His face was criminally dirty.

She Sprouted Wings!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Stream Time

On a hot day, it so refreshing to wade in the stream just down the hill from this Alabama rental (sounds like a housing listing). It's strange to think that it is mid-September and still hot both during the day (90s) and at night (70s).

JB and Gloria collect chunks of clay from the stream.

Max usually gets in the stream on hot days especially after chain-sawing brush and trees and clearing them away, but he didn't bring his wading clothes down with him and was planning on continuing his outdoor work, so he watched longingly.

Benaiah loves to wade.

4-Wheelin' Mama

This picture was taken after zooming around for a while. As you can tell, the kids hated it!:)

It's perfect having a circle driveway. All the better to scare the kids going around turns...

JB only looks like he's going to fall off. He's actually "seat-belted" in with a bungee cord and hangin' on for dear should see how scared they look with their Dad driving!

Actually, the 4-wheeler has a very humble purpose, the main reason we bought it...trash hauling...are you buying it? I get to....uh, I mean have to take the trash up to the curb twice a week and retrieve the trailer twice a week... yes, it's a chore.

Note: not Honda approved use of ATV

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Swingin' in the trees

We start by jumping off of this tree stump left in the perfect spot after Max chopped down a dead tree.

Can you see Tamsey in these pictures? I'm in the trees!

Zip Line

This is a zip line Max found on the property, not too far from the house. He found it about a month and a half ago but today was the first day we had a camera with us on our "nature hike".

Two Beauties

JB and Gloria found a Luna Moth, which is the prettiest moth I've ever seen. Normally I hate moths, but I'm intrigued by this one and so were the kids. This one couldn't fly for some reason and really wanted to stay on the stick, so we were able to get a really good look at it. Another insect to add to our wildlife journal picture collection...

Pioneer Baby